Finding the Fawn

The public unveiling of the Augmented Reality Experiment will take place at 9:45 a.m. Saturday, October 6 at the CHQ Trailhead behind the Chautauqua Golf Club Learning Center, 4731 West Lake Road, Chautauqua.

What is augmented reality?

Augmented Reality (AR) combines the natural world with computer-generated content.

Using a smartphone, this art experiment allows a person to view hand-built artwork, (monarch butterflies), in the world around them and discover a hidden fawn sculpture along the CHQ trail.

Finding the Fawn

Did you know a doe will hide her fawn in the woods to keep it safe while she looks for food? Fawns can stay hidden for hours at a time.

Follow the trail through the woods to discover where this doe’s fawn is hidden. Our five AR guideposts and monarch butterflies will guide you along the trail.

How to view the butterfly guides and find the fawn

To view the AR artwork, you will need a smart phone with a camera to read QR codes. You will also need a strong wifi signal.

Stand 2-3 feet infront of the guidepost. Open the camera on your phone and point it at the QR code.

Click on the link that appears. It will take you to a webpage that uses your camera's phone. Keep your phone pointed at the guidepost, butterflies and other artwork will appear. Follow the butterflies from one guidepost to the next until you reach the fawn.

Trouble Shooting

AR is an evolving technology. Our project has been thoroughly tested with current phones and internet browsers. As technology evolves and phones receive updates, we will continue to test and keep our project as up-to-date as possible.

Cannot scan the QR code

When you click the QR code nothing happens.

You can open the webpage, but you just see a white screen or your camera view and no art.

About the project

Photo credit: The Chautauquan Daily

Artists Leslie Calimeri and John Stow began collaborating in 2021 to conceptualize and create an interactive outdoor art experience focused on play and exploration along the CHQ trail at Chautauqua Institution.

The current phase of their collaboration builds on their previous work and adds a new layer of interactivity. John has created two new sculptures, a doe and her fawn, to accompany his previously created animal sculptures. Leslie had digitized her artwork and brought it into an augmented reality space, allowing her sculptures to become animated and virtually interact with John's sculptures.

John Stow is a sculptor and blacksmith who resides and works in Stow, N.Y. John’s forged and carved sculptures are beautiful and functional, allowing viewers to interact and engage with his pieces directly. His wooden animal sculptures have an animated and playful aesthetic that engages and delights viewers of all ages. The sculptures subtly compel viewers, especially children, to create a narrative around his work, giving individuals a personal and ever-expanding connection to his pieces.

Leslie Calimeri has been a commercial and fine artist for nearly twenty years. Her goal as a fine artist has been to elevate the scenes of our everyday lives. Her work highlights a variety of landscapes and natural objects in Chautauqua County, calling out the colors, shapes, and spaces that inform the common environment we share. Her work asks viewers to rediscover our environment and objects worthy of attention. Leslie resides in Jamestown, N.Y., where she owns Chautauqua Art Gallery.


For more information about the Finding the Fawn augmented reality art experiment, please contact Leslie Calimeri,